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I’m running into an issue where, about a quarter to halfway through the image stack (so 90* – 180* around from the start), my x-axis “start” is starting in the middle of my specimen.
I’m operating from an assumption that when I link the X and Y axes, as the stage turns and the specimen rotates about, the linking takes into account how the specimen might have moved and corrects for that displacement. But that’s an assumption and I don’t want to make an @$$ of myself so I’m open to being corrected on what it means to link the two axes.
Is the solution to cheat my start and stop by 10+ extra steps to account for how the specimen may move? Thanks in advance!
Hi Taylor, definitely not. There is something else going on that is causing the problem. I’d first recommend a factory reset of the stackshot and a firmware update, which may be found here: https://macroscopicsolutions.com/update-the-stackshot-3x-by-cognisys/
Outside of this, I need clarity on which program you are running to link axes. Are you using auto-distance, auto-step or other? Screenshots of the stackshot screen will also be helpful.
All this said, it sounds like the specimen itself might be moving considering that it’s only happening half way through. Is it possible the specimen stage is running into the camera lens, diffuser or gimbal?
Is the universal stage, pinned specimen fully secure on the rotary stage? If it’s moving, this could be contributing to your issue.
I see that you have already responded. I’m glad you found a solution. Glad you are all settled!