Dragonfly Face, High Magnification


Neurobasis chinensis,[2] stream glory[3][4] is a species of damselfly in the family Calopterygidae. It is a common species distributed across much of Asia.[1]

Neurobasis chinensis male flashing wings

Males have very iridescent green hindwings which are flashed in display to attract females. The colour is produced by interference from the thin surfaces of the wing membrane. Female is very similar to the male. But its wings are transparent and light coffee brown with white wings spots.[5][6][4]

This species breeds at forest streams and it can adapt to disturbed and cultivated habitat types. The males maintain their territories along stretches of moderately fast-flowing streams. Normally found only near the water bodies. Female lays eggs in submerged vegetation, often among root masses, sometimes submerging herself fully for a few minutes.


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