Diffuser for Canon M-PE 65mm 1-5x



This diffuser is custom designed for the Canon MP-E 65mm 1-5x lens.  The length of this diffuser provides enough flexibility to get the most out of your working distances along the 1-5x range, while maximizing the amount of light that gets reflected back onto your target. The dome design reflects light around the sides of the specimen in combination with an integrated Lieberkuhn reflector to maximize retro-reflectance and illumination.  This diffuser is a must have for any photographer working with the MP-E 65 mm 1-5x lens by Canon!

Customer Feedback

“I’m finding the model I have is improving my light a lot.” – Nolie

95 in stock


Light diffusion is the key to a good macro or micro photograph.  Strong soft light with minimal reflection is ideal when photographing a color’s brilliance.   Polarizers are effective at reducing glare, but can flatten and darken a colors brilliance simultaneously.  Our approach to solving this problem is to combine Lieberkuhn reflectance with indirect lighting capable of preserving a colors brilliance while generating little to no glare or reflective properties commonly observed using first flash units, ring lights and polarizers.  We’ve tested our diffusers using everything from ball bearings, diamonds and biological cells with only stunning results to showcase.