Spider Wasp, Mansfield CT


Wasps in the family Pompilidae are commonly called spider wasps or pompilid wasps.[1]The family is cosmopolitan, with some 5,000 species in six subfamilies.[2] All species are solitary, and most capture and paralyze prey, though members of the subfamily Ceropalinae are cleptoparasites of other pompilids, or ectoparasitoids of living spiders.[3]

In South America, species may be referred to colloquially as marabunta or marimbondo, though these names can be generally applied to any very large stinging wasps. Furthermore, in some parts of Venezuela and Colombia, it is called matacaballos, or “horse killers”, while in Brazil some particular bigger and brighter species of the general marimbondo kind might be called fecha-goela, or “throat locker”.


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