Turtledove Diffusers: Canon MT-24 EX Twin Lite Flash


This diffuser is custom designed for the Canon MT-24EX Twin Lite Macro Flash.  The inner deflector reflects light onto the conical structure of the diffuser.  This section projects soft light onto your subject without losing too much light form the source.  These diffusers are a must have for any photographer working with the MT-24 EX Flash by Canon!

NOTE* This older diffuser shown in the video below created a slight warming effect and a manual color temperature of ~5000 K needed to be used to mitigate.  These dual diffusers no longer warm the subject and cast a brighter, more lively look onto your subject.  Phew!!  A rigid macro diffuser that works and will withstand any and all heavy field use.

Mirror tests shown below indicate the level of diffusion offered by the Turtledove Diffusers.  Flash and camera settings are at Flash 1/32, EXP 1/200, f4.0, and ISO 200.

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Without Turtledove Diffuser


With Turtledove Diffuser


Without Turtledove Diffuser


With Turtledove Diffuser

Customer Feedback

“I’m finding the model I have is improving my light a lot.” – Nolie


NOTE: Some design changes have been made to the diffuser since this video was made.  The new design functions even better, offers more flexibility and looks more elegant. than the previous version discussed. 

Light diffusion is the key to a good macro or micro photograph.  We never allow direct light from the source to come into direct content with the subject…. ever.  This is because direct light from the source will produce a significant amount of glare, which will degrade the overall quality of the image significantly.  The solution is to shine light from the source into a diffuser so that the object being photographed is illuminated by reflected light only.  This is the lighting technique we use, regardless of size, medium, texture, color, etc.  Basically, it always works and the resulting pictures will be immaculate.